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Cloud Migration, Management & Monitoring Services

Cloud computing - IT resources and services that are abstracted from the underlying infra- structure and provided on demand and at scale in a shared multitenant and elastic environment-represents a paradigm shift from which both enterprise IT and service providers can benefit.

Today enterprise data centers have a number of applications that are implementing on existing infrastructure with known scalability or resiliency issues. Although migration of an application to a cloud will not solve all intrinsic application scalability or resiliency issues, enterprises might be able to derive tangible financial and operational benefits in moving an application from legacy servers to a cloud.

Application migration is the process of redeploying an application, typically on newer platforms and infrastructure. The process involves the staging of the new environment before the actual cutover and requires coordination of IT teams at the time of cutover. If the migration is on a compatible platform, the application does not need to be recompiled.

To identify applications for migration to a cloud, it is necessary to first identify and understand the business and technical factors for the migration. Reducing costs and business agility are typical business factors for application migration to clouds. Cloud computing can provide significant cost savings because of the increased utilization resulting from the pooling of resources and the standardization and automation required for cloud services.

Flash Cloud Consulting offers a complete migration strategy to understand which type of cloud environment and the cloud service delivery model are chosen, the application is evaluated to make sure that it is feasible to migrate and also to prepare for the migration process itself.

Typical Application Migration Approach will involve :

  • Application Architectures - The application architecture will affect how an application can be migrated to cloud environments and sometimes whether an application is suitable for migration. The next sections discuss common architecture patterns and how they affect cloud migration.
  • Geographic Access - Among most of the actors, geographic access will act as one of the most trivial factors while migrating an application to a cloud, it is necessary to consider the locations from which the application will be accessed.
  • Application Dependency Mapping - Application dependency mapping identifies dependencies between applications and their dependencies on a shared data center infrastructure. Tooling based Application dependency mapping produce server and application affinity maps, based on the observed traffic across applications, which is useful to get a sense of which applications might need to be migrated as a batch.
  • Application Profiling - Application profiling is used to measure and collect real usage data of an application before it is migrated.

The final step in preparation for the migration of an application to the cloud is to develop a work plan and tests for the actual migration. Based on the type of application and its business continuity requirements, the amount of planning required can vary